
Create your own community !

Explore our wide set of features

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Personalised tracking system

Allowing you to control who sees your location at the click of a button.

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Report a crime

If you have witnessed a crime or been the victim of one, you can digitally report it to the Metropolitan Police who will handle matters from there.

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SOS Button

When the SOS button is activated, your emergency contacts will receive your live location along with a message alerting them of your situation.

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Personalised Messaging Service

Create your safety bubbles for every occasion and look out for one another. Stay connected and informed.

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Location and nightlife ratings

Safety ratings for bars, pubs, clubs and other establishments shared by the MiSeia community.

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Your Locations

Set your home, school and work locations to notify and get notified of daily movements and whereabouts.

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Geo-fence Safety Bubble

Set a geo-fence with your friends and family to prevent any unexpected movements from going undetected.


We cater to ALL!


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Upcoming Products and Features

No information available yet… Stay tuned for updates!